I just came across this short article by celebrity chef Ellie Krieger. Some may not know this but she is also a registered dietitian! In this article she discusses several phrases that are commonly used to describe food and eating that are having a strong influence on our thoughts and behaviors. And, it's not a positive influence. It's creating a lot of rigid rules with food and taking away the pleasure of eating. These phrases are good/bad food, clean eating, guilty pleasure, and low carb/cutting carbs. You can read her full article here- https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/wellness/theres-no-such-thing-as-bad-food-four-terms-that-make-dietitians-cringe/2019/06/05/b10d7058-8238-11e9-bce7-40b4105f7ca0_story.html?fbclid=IwAR15iyJcdVqk1dXsZvI56nqBfwNMJGYB3cA8Q54PFrK264MEeBw_HhqFQAM&utm_term=.0d4ef7cac378
So, in the spirit of keeping food and eating enjoyable, I encourage you to replace these phrases with something more positive such as yummy, sweet, crunchy, or just downright good! And most of all, enjoy it!